On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 3:27 PM, Ludovic Rousseau
<ludovic.rouss...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would suggest to drop the OpenSC tokend, unless someone volunteer to
> maintain it.
I think my current mbp running 10.7 will be the last piece of Applet
hardware/software combo I'll run, so the future is uncertain, but
current situation is solid.

> I have not rebuild this tokend since a long time so it may be as easy
> (or hard) to rebuild as the tokend from OpenSC.

The final version of OSX that supports *building* Tokend is 10.7.

10.8 also removes OpenSSL and that brings a stack of other problems
for the future. But as of now, Tokend works as expected (but needs to
be in sync with libopensc, of course).

Will look into it.

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