Aside from the fact that it's GPL?

-Kyle H

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 1:29 AM, Eugen Leitl <> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 10:24:40AM +0100, Dirk Krause wrote:
>> As soon as you buy it, the asset gets copied to your regions asset 
>> repository (if it is something that persists while you are not online, like 
>> a house maybe) and it goes into your personal repository when it's an 
>> attachement (like clothing).
> Speaking about asset repository, Tahoe v1.3 has recently been released
> (see below). Are there any show-stoppers against using Tahoe for asset
> storage?
> ANNOUNCING "Tahoe", the Least-Authority Filesystem, v1.3
> We are pleased to announce the release of version 1.3.0 of "Tahoe", the
> Least Authority Filesystem.
> Tahoe-LAFS is a secure, decentralized, fault-tolerant filesystem.  All
> of the source code is available under a choice of two Free Software,
> Open Source licences.
> This filesystem is encrypted and distributed over multiple peers in
> such a way it continues to function even when some of the peers are
> unavailable, malfunctioning, or malicious.
> Here is the one-page explanation of the security and fault-tolerance
> properties that it offers:
> This is the successor to v1.2, which was released July 21, 2008 [1].
> This is a major new release, adding a repairer, an efficient backup
> command, support for large files, an (S)FTP server, and much more.
> See the NEWS file [2] and the known_issues.txt file [3] for more
> information.
> In addition to the many new features of Tahoe itself, a crop of related
> projects have sprung up, including Tahoe frontends for Windows and
> Macintosh, two front-ends written in JavaScript, a Tahoe plugin for
> duplicity, a Tahoe plugin for TiddlyWiki, a project to create a new
> backup tool, CIFS/SMB integration, an iPhone app, and three incomplete
> Tahoe frontends for FUSE. See Related Projects on the wiki: [4].
> The version 1 branch of Tahoe is the basis of the consumer backup
> product from Allmydata, Inc. -- .
> Tahoe v1.3 is fully compatible with the version 1 branch of Tahoe.
> Files written by v1.3 clients can be read by clients of all versions
> back to v1.0 unless the file is too large -- files greater than about
> 12 GiB (depending on the configuration) can't be read by older clients.
> v1.3 clients can read files produced by clients of all versions since
> v1.0.  v1.3 servers can serve clients of all versions back to v1.0 and
> v1.3 clients can use servers of all versions back to v1.0 (but can't
> upload large files to them).
> This is the fourth release in the version 1 series.  We believe that
> this version of Tahoe is stable enough to rely on as a permanent store
> of valuable data.  The version 1 branch of Tahoe will be actively
> supported and maintained for the forseeable future, and future versions
> of Tahoe will retain the ability to read files and directories produced
> by Tahoe v1 for the forseeable future.
> With Tahoe, you can distribute your filesystem across a set of
> computers, such that if some of the computers fail or turn out to be
> malicious, the entire filesystem continues to be available, thanks to
> the remaining computers.  You can also share your files with other
> users, using a simple and flexible access control scheme.
> Because this software is new, we do not categorically recommend it as
> the sole repository of data which is extremely confidential or
> precious.  However, we believe that erasure coding, strong encryption,
> Free/Open Source Software and careful engineering make Tahoe safer than
> common alternatives, such as RAID, removable drive, tape, or "on-line
> storage" or "Cloud storage" systems.
> This software comes with extensive unit tests [5], and there are no
> known security flaws which would compromise confidentiality or data
> integrity.  (For all currently known issues please see the
> known_issues.txt file [2].)
> This release of Tahoe is suitable for the "friendnet" use case [6] --
> it is easy to create a filesystem spread over the computers of you and
> your friends so that you can share disk space and files.
> You may use this package under the GNU General Public License, version
> 2 or, at your option, any later version.  See the file "COPYING.GPL"
> [7] for the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
> You may use this package under the Transitive Grace Period Public
> Licence, version 1.0.  The Transitive Grace Period Public Licence has
> requirements similar to the GPL except that it allows you to wait for
> up to twelve months after you redistribute a derived work before
> releasing the source code of your derived work. See the file
> "COPYING.TGPPL.html" [8] for the terms of the Transitive Grace Period
> Public Licence, version 1.0.
> (You may choose to use this package under the terms of either licence,
> at your option.)
> Tahoe works on Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Cygwin, and Solaris, and
> probably most other systems.  Start with "docs/install.html" [9].
> Please join us on the mailing list [10].  Patches that extend and
> improve Tahoe are gratefully accepted -- the RoadMap page [11] shows
> the next improvements that we plan to make and CREDITS [12] lists the
> names of people who've contributed to the project.  The wiki Dev page
> [13] contains resources for hackers.
> Tahoe is sponsored by Allmydata, Inc. [14], a provider of commercial
> backup services.  Allmydata, Inc. created the Tahoe project, and
> contributes hardware, software, ideas, bug reports, suggestions,
> demands, and money (employing several Tahoe hackers and instructing
> them to spend part of their work time on this Free Software project).
> Also they award customized t-shirts to hackers who find security flaws
> in Tahoe (see ).  Thank you to Allmydata, Inc. for
> their generous and public-spirited support.
> Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn
> on behalf of the team
> Special acknowledgment goes to Brian Warner, whose superb engineering
> skills and dedication are primarily responsible for the Tahoe
> implementation, and largely responsible for the Tahoe design as well,
> not to mention most of the docs and many other things besides.
> February 13, 2009
> Boulder, Colorado, USA
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]
> [8]
> [9]
> [10]
> [11]
> [12]
> [13]
> [14]
> --
> Eugen* Leitl <a href="";>leitl</a>
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