Dirk Krause wrote:
> Hi,
> I don’t want to spoil the show for OpenSim here, but if you really want
> 800 users in a virtual world there is no way around ActiveWorlds
> (http://activeworlds.com/ ) – at least that’s how IBM does it according
> to David van Gent. When it comes to user number of 50 or higher at one
> place, they switch to ActiveWorlds. It is an old but very proven
> technology that is very affordable.
> Again, I am not promoting AW being a big OpenSim fan myself (
> http://web3dblog.wordpress.com ) but if you want to get the job done,
> you might consider AW.  I didn’t try it myself but filed it under ‘you
> need that for large numbers’

those large user numbers do come at a cost though: very limited user interface,
very limited user experience... there's a reason we are using OpenSim as the
basis of our "Sametime 3D" project...


dr dirk husemann ---- virtual worlds research ---- ibm zurich research lab
SL: dr scofield ---- drscofi...@xyzzyxyzzy.net ---- http://xyzzyxyzzy.net/
RL: h...@zurich.ibm.com - +41 44 724 8573 - http://www.zurich.ibm.com/~hud/
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