
I do beleive your missing the point entirely, the reason we do not wish to
implement any money systems at this time, is exactly for that reason,
OpenSImulator is not a safe place to be slinging money around, the asset
server is not secure, nothing about opensimulator is secure, yet you people
are all arguing that other people take on the risk so that you can have an
economic system,  It is this exact argument you are making that has prompted
the development team to flat out say no to everyone, you can not expect
others to take on risk so you can make a living, if you want this
functionality so badly, you should A, develop the system yourself like we
said, or B hire a professional who understands security to evalute the risk
assessment of this software and do the legal research and you take on the
risk and provide the code to everyone if you all think it is so safe and ok
to do things that lawyers and security experts say we should not be doing.
You guys can all argue to you are blue in the face, it wont change the fact
that this is a monumentally horrible idea right now, we souldnt even be
discussing this as an option until well after opensimulator has been proven
to be a safe environment, which i will once again repeat, it currently is


On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 1:06 AM, Colin B. Withers <
> wrote:

>  I fully understand that argument Stefan (although I do not agree with
> it). What I do not understand is how a currency module can be considered
> risky, but the entire asset server (holding everything that people have
> bought with an external currency module) is not considered even more of a
> risk.
> Rock
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Stefan Andersson
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 08, 2009 7:54 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Opensim-dev] Currency
> Rock,
> An implementation of a functional monetary system has been declared as out
> of scope for OpenSim. It is something that has to go into the custom
> implementation/third party provider layer.
> There is a live and ongoing discussion as of where to draw the line for
> what goes into the core, and what should be left to external module creators
> and custom implementation.
> It is within scope of OpenSim to provide hooks so that such a module,
> tailored for the specific use case, be created.
> As a project we need to draw a scope line somewhere, and often it’s a case
> of weighting several variables against each other.
> In this case, it’s been a long standing stance that implementation of a
> monetary system is outside of the scope of the OpenSim core distribution.
> We did provide the SampleMoneyModule, but the problem was that people was
> using this unsafe and immature example code directly in live and production
> environments. Though we could swear ourselves free from that with a  “suit
> yourself, it was wholly at your own risk”, it’s not only a legal case, but
> also a case of us not wanting to expose our users to unsafe and immature
> code that could cause them direct economic damage. We generally don’t want
> to take decisions for our users, but this one would be considered a
> real-world risk policy decision.
> I believe that the very absence of a money implementation outside of core
> would be an indication that it’s right not having one inside; if there is no
> external module being maintained and used, it either means nobody see value
> enough to work on it, or that any implementation is too use case specific
> for there to be any value for the general public.
> At any rate, it is my opinion that the whole economy domain needs a lot
> more work and reach a much higher level of maturity before anything could be
> considered for inclusion into the core distribution.
> /Stefan
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Colin B. Withers
> *Sent:* den 7 juli 2009 15:27
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Opensim-dev] Currency
> If ReactionGrid uses no currency, and has no plans to ever have it, and
> does not wish to get involded in virtual commerce, using either core
> solutions or external solutions, then indeed it is a 3D chatroom. 3D
> chatrooms are well suited to Educational purposes, and indeed my own Opensim
> grid has been used by a US college for educational purposes.
> However, for a virtual space to take on the mantle of a virtual world, then
> commerce is an essential element, and currency is essential to that.
> I think the argument that there is a risk in providing a currency module in
> core, from those who might complain "your code ate my money" is a specious
> argument. This charge could be levelled whenever opensim is used as a
> platform for a virtual world providing virtual real estate, for real world
> money (whether a  currency module is implemented in core or external) as if
> the grid goes down due to software bugs the grid owner stands to lose rental
> income, or be liable for the claims of others.
> This can all be mitigated against (in territotories that allow it) by use
> of a carefully worded TOS.
> Should the development of opensim be halted because someone might claim
> "your software crashed my hard-drive, and I have lost US$$$" or "the bugs in
> your software have contributed to me losing several tenants this week,
> losing US$$$ in the process"?
> The software is used 'as is', with no claims as fitness for any particular
> purpose, and this would apply to any core currency module.
> Rock
> PS Another grid, that the owner ploughed 1000s of dollars into, has
> collapsed recently, due to lack of a viable currency solution.
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Chris Hart
> *Sent:* Monday, July 06, 2009 3:50 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Opensim-dev] Currency
> Couldn't disagree more - ReactionGrid has no inworld currency and no plans
> to ever have it. Encouraging creativity, sharing, and collaborative learning
> has proved more than worthwhile to us. And quite frankly, the legal and tax
> issues around running a currency system should require dedicated qualified
> experts to manage correctly. You can do a huge amount without play money
> inworld - and if you want to pay someone money for a product, there are many
> solutions out there that are properly regulated by financial services
> authorities.
> Money should be something you can add in yourselves if you want (hence I
> believe it's on Forge these days), but I completely understand core
> developer reluctance to have code in trunk that could potentially come back
> to haunt with "your code ate my money" complaints.
> Chris
> *From:* Colin B. Withers <>
> *Sent:* Monday, July 06, 2009 1:30 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Opensim-dev] Currency
> Has this always been the case? Why was SampleMoney and OpenCurrency
> removed?
> Without currency opensim regions and grids devolve into nothing more than
> 3D chatrooms.
> Rock
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [
> On Behalf Of Melanie
> Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 11:47 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Opensim-dev] Currency
> OpenSim and the OpenSim project don't provide a grid currency
> implementation.
> Melanie
> Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> > Will currencies be distributed accross grids?
> >
> > On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 6:43 AM, Jason Fisher<> wrote:
> >> Hi, as of revision 9000 or so, SAMPLEMONEY was removed, meaning my
> >> grid no longer has currency based of wiredux. I also saw OPENCURRENCY
> >> has been removed. I really want currncy on my grid, and need help.
> >> Anyone know something I can use on a later revision? THANKS
> >>
> >>
> >> Sent from my iPhone
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