*Kyle and others,

     I just sent this email to Adam, but thought it may be a good idea to
see what others think as well.  It relates to one big thorn I've seen
present itself again and again - and not just on opensimulator.org but other
documentation sites that try to keep up to date info on a rapidly changing


     I do have one suggestion which you may find will come in quite handy
along the way.  When attributing direct documentation regarding OpenSim
could it be pigeonholed by release?  In other words, 0.6.6 documentation is
clearly and unmistakably attributed to OpenSim 0.6.6, whereas documentation
regarding 0.6.7 is attributed to OpenSim 0.6.7?

     I say this because the one issue that has presented itself to me over
the last many months from those visiting opensimulator.org is that so many
things are mis-referenced.  In other words, when going to Installation one
still sees references to 0.6.6 even though 0.6.7 has been out for some time

     At first it might seem like a lot of repetition - for example, when
0.6.8 comes out then all 0.6.7 documentation would instantly be deemed
"out-dated."  Yet with the beauty of wiki's and such is that you could
instantly replicate ALL 0.6.7 documentation, copy it over to 0.6.8
documentation designation and title each page as "in need of updating" so we
could then go from page to page and update as necessary and when complete
each page would be pertinent to the proper attribution - i.e. 0.6.8 instead
of 0.6.7.

The best part is that EVERY revision of OpenSim would contain ITs OWN
documentation pertinent to its specific requirements and confusion would be
greatly reduced when attempting to find documentation for a specific
revision, such as the most recent...

Just a suggestion and thank you for your time and the work you do Adam!  I
really do appreciate it.

- Len W. Brown

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 8:23 PM, Kyle <cre...@reactiongrid.com> wrote:

> I'll follow up in email Len.  Others pinged me too so well done motivating
> us...
> ReactionGrid Mobile
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