On 11/23/2009 05:43 PM, Fly Man wrote:
> Adam,
> You hit the nail right on his head with this passage:
> *The big problem here is there’s a very real lack of viewer developers
> in this community – there is some overlap between server & network engineers
> (like the OS community) and 3D Viewer Developers here, but not much. If
> we do have 3D devs in the community who haven’t done anything and feel like
> contributing – you really should be talking to some of the ‘next gen
> viewer’  projects and seeing if we can get something awesome done faster.
> *
> And maybe someone should explain WHY people won't burn their hands on
> the viewer
> Main reason: There's a clausule on the Website and internally about
> "*Look at viewer code, and there's 6 months no working on OpenSim"*
> So any person that would like to keep working on OpenSim doesn't look at
> viewer code, and vice versa.
> That's about the main reason that some viewer developers won't
> co-operate with OpenSim and the other way, developers from OpenSim can't
> help viewer developers

that clause applies to the LL viewer and any viewer derived from it. there are
independent viewer projects, however.

dr dirk husemann ---- virtual worlds research ---- ibm zurich research lab
SL: dr scofield ---- drscofi...@xyzzyxyzzy.net ---- http://xyzzyxyzzy.net/
RL: h...@zurich.ibm.com - +41 44 724 8573 - http://www.zurich.ibm.com/~hud/
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