Thanx for reply Mr. Jason,

In my apps there is one strange thing is happens when i run that apps
in orkut, it gave me undefined result,
when i open firebug it gave me error

In Param Tabs errors:---

container               orkut-sandbox
contentType     TEXT
getSummaries    false
httpMethod      GET
numEntries      3
refresh         3600
signOwner       true
signViewer      true
url     http://mycompany/FunnyMoneyGifts/GiftItems.action

In Headers Tabs errors:----

Response Headers

Cache-Control                   no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-
Pragma                          no-cache
Expires                         Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Type                    text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Encoding                gzip
Date                                    Fri, 26 Sep 2008 10:43:47 GMT
X-Content-Type-Options  nosniff
Content-Length                  117
Server                          GFE/1.3

Request Headers

User-Agent                  Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US;
rv: Gecko/2008091620 Firefox/3.0.2
Accept                      text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/
Accept-Language     en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding     gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset              ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive                          300
Connection                  keep-alive

Even this project working perfectly till yesterday now it gave me
Whereas the same code implemented on Hi5 and it perfectly working.

I have also check my response page which is perfectly working in my
server and also check through the site to find
out that there is any html error, but it gave me no error and no

With that i also paste a few code of my xml file may be it helps you
to find out the problem.......

function makeRequest(url)      // passing the URL
var params = {};
alert(url);                             // it gave me proper result
params[] =;, responseData, params);

function responseData(obj)
alert(obj.text);         // it gaves me undefined.
document.getElementById("funnyImageDisplay").innerHTML = obj.text;

with that this is the message sending code..................
 function sendMessage()
thumb = viewer.getField(opensocial.Person.Field.THUMBNAIL_URL);
var html = "<img src='" + thumb + "'/>"+" send a Funny Gifts "+"<img
src='" + funnyImagePath + "'/>";

alert("The HTML value is :-- \n"+html);    \\ it show me user and
funnyimage path properly...

var params = [];
var titleName = viewer.getDisplayName()+" Send Message to you through
Funny Money Gift Application ..!";

params[opensocial.Message.Field.TITLE]=titleName;                      //
titlename put in Title
var body="This is Funny Images for just for kidding.. Don't Mind it.";

var textarea=document.getElementById("messageText").value;
alert(textarea);        // gave me same message...

// here we add the user image and funnyimagepath url in body
body += "<img src='" + thumb + "'/>"+" send a Funny Gifts "+"<img
src='" + funnyImagePath + "'/>";

// here thumb is user image which is shown in the message dialog box..
// funnyImagePath is the path of funny image which located in our

body += "with Message is "+textarea;

var message = opensocial.newMessage(body, params);

var recipient = opensocial.DataRequest.Group.VIEWER_FRIENDS;
alert("The recipient are "+recipient);
opensocial.requestSendMessage(recipient, message);

On Sep 26, 3:08 am, Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The requestSendMessage dialog is always going to appear and there is
> no way to automatically insert any text into the message block, even
> though you can stick it in the BODY field. But users will still see a
> large, empty text area to write in, even when their text is copied to
> the message body, so you may only choose to show the text input when
> users choose "Activity." When they choose "Message," display the
> requestSendMessage dialog instead -- either way, they only have to
> type their text once.
> Can you post the content of the activity that you're trying to display
> (including the image URL from your server) and explain how it's not
> working (e.g. error, unexpected output, etc.). Thanks.
> - Jason
> On Sep 24, 10:18 pm, hem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In my application, the user type message in a textarea which is
> > defined by me. I take that message in a variable and i want to show
> > that message on the message textbox if user want sending a message to
> > the recipients, not postupdate.
> > Means in my apps i want that, user have all the option to send a
> > message or postupdate on the option selection. So that user not type
> > same message again on message Block and textarea message automatically
> > copy on the message Block.
> > here
> > textarea is defined by me.
> > message Block is defined by google, on the call of following method.
> > opensocial.requestSendMessage(recipient, message);
> > With that i also want to show the sender image and funny Image to the
> > recipient.
> > In message the sender image is shown which is comes from the orkut
> > site, but the funny Image is not shown which is comes from our server.
> > Is that possible that the funnyImage is shown on message. Even in that
> > function i used a alert method that show funny image path.
> > Even I used following method also
> > params[opensocial.Message.Field.TITLE]="funny image source";
> > and
> > params[opensocial.Message.Field.BODY]="funny image source";
> > but not working.
> > Highly appreciate your help
> > Thanx in advance
> > On Sep 17, 4:44 am, Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > At the moment, there is no way to access or post scraps from an
> > > application, although you can send private messages using
> > > opensocial.requestSendMessage. This blog entry has example code that
> > > you can use to get started:
> > >
> > > If you want to send a message to a single person, just include the
> > > OpenSocial ID of the user as the recipient. A dialog will be presented
> > > to the user allowing him/her to send a private message to that person.
> > > Depending on the recipient's settings, the message will appear in his/
> > > her orkut inbox, email inbox, or both.
> > > Let me know if you have any other questions on this.
> > > - Jason
> > > On Sep 15, 5:36 am, hem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Dear Friends,
> > > >       can you help me in google opensocial API, I am Creating one
> > > > application in that i want to send the message or scrap through my
> > > > application when the user click his/her friend and click on send
> > > > button.
> > > >       Even i read documentation where there mention that google not
> > > > gave this permission to developer for sending messages and scrap.
> > > > There is only one way to send the message that is PostUpdate but in
> > > > this the application message are shown to all of his/her friends,
> > > >      But we want that if he select only one friend the message shown
> > > > to only one person and if he/she select to all of them then it show to
> > > > all of his/her friends.
> > > > so, please give ur ideas and facts about opensocial API that how can i
> > > > send message, scrap to a particular person.
> > > > Highly appreciate your help
> > > > Thanks in advance....
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