Please find the answers to your questions below:

1. Could I use Javascript API to access Orkut from my external .......
A. You can use the OpenSocial Javascript APIs only from within an
orkut application. Currently the APIs do not have support for scraps,
but you can use calls like requestSendMessage to send messages to
owner/viewer friends.

2. As I understand REST API currently supports only a few
opensocial .......
A. The REST client libraries are opensource projects and we welcome
you to contribute to them. For information on the features supported
by a specific client library, please visit the client library forum

3. There are no information about Orkut RPC API
A. As mentioned in the opening section of the following document:

orkut does support RPC. Though there's no separate documentation for
orkut RPC support, you can visit the OpenSocial RPC guide :
The features supported via REST should also be supported via RPC.

4. There is a section in OpenSocial spec, which describes
discovery .......
A. orkut currently does not support xrds.

5.When the OpenSocial 0.9 spec will be supported by Orkut?
A. Sorry, we do not have an ETA on that yet.

6.  Can I provide a callback in my gadget xml to my external app
for ....
A. Currently using the OpenSocial APIs, you cannot perform any action
when the user just installs the app. They need to take some action on
the app to enable you to make any calls.

7. Could you provide some details about AppData items? What are
their .....
A. Please see the article on OpenSocial Persistence APIs for more
information on app data:

8. It is said in Orkut spec, that the following query parameters are
A.You're right, I've just tested it and these filters do not seem to
be working. Can you please file an issue in the issue tracker:

9. Also, it is said in Orkut specification, that 'fields' query
parameter is supported. If I set to this parameter @all value,
which .......
A. The fields query parameter is supported in orkut and it can be used
as follows:

But it looks like the orkut REST APIs currently do not support @all as
a value for this parameter.

10. Is 'count' query parameter support by Orkut REST API?
A. You can use the count query parameter in the following way to
retrieve 2 friends per page:

Hope this helps.

- Vijaya
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