Hello Vijaya!
Thanks for your answers. But let me clarify more details:

On 4 фев, 10:15, Vijaya <api.vij...@google.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Please find the answers to your questions below:
> 1. Could I use Javascript API to access Orkut from my external .......
> A. You can use the OpenSocial Javascript APIs only from within an
> orkut application. Currently the APIs do not have support for scraps,
> but you can use calls like requestSendMessage to send messages to
> owner/viewer friends.
So I couldn't use requestSendMessage in my external webapp, only
within orkut container, right?
> 2. As I understand REST API currently supports only a few
> opensocial .......
> A. The REST client libraries are opensource projects and we welcome
> you to contribute to them. For information on the features supported
> by a specific client library, please visit the client library forum
> (http://groups.google.com/group/opensocial-client-libraries).
I don't use client libraries. I developed the code on my own. I've
tried to get/set user activities using the following url
But I've got 501 error, which means that the feature is not
implemented. As Orkut REST API spec said, the only things Orkut
supports is described in 
document. Am I right? Or orkut also supports all other features,
described in OpenSocial REST spec?

> 3. There are no information about Orkut RPC API
> implementation.........
> A. As mentioned in the opening section of the following 
> document:http://code.google.com/apis/orkut/docs/rest/developers_guide_protocol...
> orkut does support RPC. Though there's no separate documentation for
> orkut RPC support, you can visit the OpenSocial RPC guide 
> :http://www.opensocial.org/Technical-Resources/opensocial-spec-v081/rp...
> The features supported via REST should also be supported via RPC.
So, the same question as for your previous answer.
> 4. There is a section in OpenSocial spec, which describes
> discovery .......
> A. orkut currently does not support xrds.
But OpenSocial REST spec said, that OpenSocial container MUST provide
XRDS service. It would be great to have this service, because we can
see all container supported features.

> 9. Also, it is said in Orkut specification, that 'fields' query
> parameter is supported. If I set to this parameter @all value,
> which .......
> A. The fields query parameter is supported in orkut and it can be used
> as 
> follows:http://www.orkut.com/social/rest/people/@me?fields=gender,currentLoca..................
I confirmed that this is working. Does orkut support all fields,
described in Opensocial spec for Person entity?
Also, could I update user profile using Orkut REST API? Or it is not
supported for now, as the 'activities' data?

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