You can try testing it on:


On 8 nov, 18:21, Julian Hidalgo <> wrote:
> Hi everyone
> We are developing a game for Orkut, and we have been unable to make the
> invitations work.
> When we click on "Send" in the invitation dialog that we generate
> through the opensocial.requestSendMessage method, we get an "internal
> error" response. If we take a look at the HTTP request we see it's a
> 500 response code, internal error, but not other message or explanation.
> The following is a snippet of the code we are using:
> function invitePerson(personId){
> invitationParams = {
> "senderUid" : viewerData.getId(),
> "uid" : personId,
> "invitationId" : createPseudoGUID(),
> "returnurl" : createOrkutAppUrl(null)};
> var invitationLinkUrl =
> createUrlWithEncodedParams(Settings.InvitationHandlerUrl,
> invitationParams);
> var messageTitle = "Terranova game invitation.";
> var messageBody = new Array();
> messageBody.push('Hi. I\'m inviting you to be my neighbor in ');
> messageBody.push('<b><a href="' + invitationLinkUrl
> + '">Terranova</a></b>');
> messageBody.push(', the most exciting game ever!');
> showLoadingImage('inviteFriends', true);
> sendMessage(messageTitle, messageBody.join(''), personId,
> onInvitePerson);
> }
> messageBody.join('') yields "Hi. I'm inviting you to be my neighbor in
> <b><a
> href="";>Terranova</a></b>,
> the most exciting game ever!"
> The sendMessage function is the following:
> function sendMessage(messageTitle, messageBody, personId, callback) {
> var params = [];
> params[opensocial.Message.Field.TITLE] = messageTitle;
> params[opensocial.Message.Field.TYPE] = opensocial.Message.Type.EMAIL;
> var message = opensocial.newMessage(messageBody, params);
> opensocial.requestSendMessage(personId, message, callback);
> }
> In any case it doesn't seem to be a code problem. We have been
> reviewing other's apps and it looks we are doing it the right away, so
> I'm thinking it can be some permissions issue, a setting or something
> like that. Also, when we were researching about the Orkut API we
> created a small app to send invitations that was working fine, and now
> it just doesn't send the invitations (and the code has not been touched
> in weeks).
> Do you guys have any clue of what could be wrong?
> Thanks!
> Julián

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