In my app it's working fine.

My code:

function enviaMensagem(pTitulo, pTexto, pIDAmigo)
  var params = [];
  params[opensocial.Message.Field.TITLE] = pTitulo;
  params[opensocial.Message.Field.TYPE]  =
  var message = opensocial.newMessage(pTexto, params);
  opensocial.requestSendMessage(pIDAmigo, message,

function enviaMensagemCallBack(Obj)


I hope it helps.



On 10 nov, 07:11, Antonio Cruda <> wrote:
> I also experienced this in the application I created. I tried the code
> that is working in OpenSocial Dev App and it doesn't work on the two
> apps I created.
> The first app I used version 0.8 of opensocial and the second app I
> used 0.7. This is the code snippet I get from OpenSocial Dev App
> (orkut):
> function sendEmail(title, body) {
> var params = [];
> params[opensocial.Message.Field.TITLE] = title;
> params[opensocial.Message.Field.TYPE] =
> opensocial.Message.Type.EMAIL;
> var message = opensocial.newMessage(body, params);
> var recipient = "VIEWER";
> opensocial.requestSendMessage(recipient, message, callback);
> };
> function callback(data) {
> if (data.hadError()) {
> alert("There was a problem:" + data.getErrorCode());
> } else {
> output("Ok");
> }
> };
> sendEmail("This is a test email", "How are you doing?");
> Its possible that the main reason is because I haven't submitted my
> application to orkut yet. Am I right with this assumption? Please help.

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