Garrett D'Amore wrote:
> Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> > ### Part 2: Project-private location for shell function library
> > /usr/lib/shell/ is reserved as project private location, mainly to
> > build a (platform/architecture-specific) library of dynamically
> > loadable shell functions in a similar form as java packages.
> >
> > For example the networking team might store HTTP
> > protocol handling functions under
> > "/usr/lib/shell/sh/funclib/org/opensolaris/net/http/" (e.g.
> > /usr/lib/shell/sh/... for is for POSIX shells,
> > /usr/lib/shell/zsh/... for modules which use "zsh" syntax,
> > /usr/lib/shell/bash/ for modules which use "bash" syntax etc.)
> > and the shell would access modules in this directory via adding
> > this path to the "function path", e.g.
> > FPATH+=":/usr/lib/shell/ksh/funclib/org/opensolaris/net/http/" (note
> > that shell functions loaded via this way will be _bound_ to this
> > FPATH element (the same way as ksh93 binds builtin commands to
> > specific PATH elements) only be visible as long as FPATH contains
> > a matching path entry - removing the FPATH entry will disable the
> > functions (but not unload them), re-adding the same path will
> > make the functions accessible again (this allows that multiple
> > groups/organisations may use the same function/module names without
> > having namespace collisions)).
> > The interfaces and modules provided by this API will be
> > offered for ARC contracts and later (after some "soaking" period)
> > opened-up on case-by-case basis.
> Are you using (populating) anything in /usr/shell as part of this case?

AFAIK you mean /usr/lib/shell/ and the answer is "maybe", depending on
time. The first real consumer may be the "man-rewrite" project which
stuffs the shared shell code into
usr/lib/shell/ksh/org/opensolaris/man/misc/ or something like that (e.g.
common shell functions for DocBook/SGML+SolBook/SGML+DOcBook/XML manpage
handling and the catman crawler dispatcher code)

> If not, you might consider running that as a separate fast track.

Why ? The directory is explcitly marked as "project private" for now.
AFAIK we don't have to notify ARC about further activities there until
we start making ARC contracts or open the interfaces there...



  __ .  . __
 (o.\ \/ /.o) roland.mainz at
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