Garrett D'Amore wrote:
> Joseph Kowalski wrote:
> > Garrett D'Amore wrote:
> > I've not heard from any other ARC members that they feel strongly
> > about this.  That doesn't mean they don't; we often just let the
> > poster of the initial request continue to discuss.
> >
> > However, this is starting to sound like a lone voice here.
> >
> > Do other ARC members believe this is significant and we should
> > continue discussing this?
> >
> > (I actually agree with Garrett's suggestion. However, Roland seemed to
> > not accept this *suggestion*, so I think we should just drop it.)
> That's fine.  I offered to help as well if they wanted to follow my
> suggestion.
> That said I don't want to suddenly have new functionality show up as
> part of *this* case -- e.g. the HTTP functionality to which Roland was
> alluding.  If there were an attempt to grow that new functionality in
> *this case*, then I'd derail.

Erm... why ? The /usr/lib/shell/ directory is _private_ - how we
populate it (and "when") is AFAIK only a question for code review and
not for the ARC case. Technically I have content for the directory but I
wanted to wait until "shcomp" is available on the build machines (which
needs usually five or more Nevada builds counting from our current
putback to avoid the _pain_ for build machine admins caused by a "flag

> I will let the matter drop unless the submitter wants to follow my
> suggestion (in which case my offer of help stands), or the submitter
> takes the inadvisable action of trying to suddenly increase the scope of
> this case by adding a bunch of new unrelated functionality into the
> /usr/lib/shell directory.

The scope of the case includes /usr/lib/shell/ with _private_ content.
The description of the hiearacial shell function library was only
thought as a short description/justification why we want this directory.



  __ .  . __
 (o.\ \/ /.o) roland.mainz at
  \__\/\/__/  MPEG specialist, C&&JAVA&&Sun&&Unix programmer
  /O /==\ O\  TEL +49 641 7950090
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