Roland Mainz wrote:
>> Joseph Kowalski wrote:
>> >From David Korn, as referenced by Garrett, forwarded by Roland.
>>>         I expect that the new features are subject to change
>>>         based on feedback (bugs and ideas).  Once there has
>>>         been enough feedback that I feel comfortable I remove the -
>>>         suffix.
>> That sounds like a resounding "yes" - new features can be altered
>> in the "t-" to "t" transition.
>> (BTW: I wouldn't expect it to be any other way.  We make the
>> same allowance for Beta releases.  We just shouldn't be placing
>> components with Beta [non-]guarantees in potentially FCS
>> products.)
> Note that this is a general statement. To check "yes" for _this_ case
> covering ksh93 version "t-", "t" and "t+" two things must be "true":
> 1. We need a good idea for adding new stuff (we don't have such a thing
> right now, nearly all effort mainly goes into the new type system,
> bugfixing and hunting down global variables as preparation for thread
> support etc. and the contentious thing - the "enum" builtin - was the
> _first_ one since 15 years)
> 2. Somehow magically a large chunk of "free time" needs to fall out of
> the heaven, crawl out of hell or is somehow else put into existance
> (Sauron's ring is unfortunately lost... ;-( )
> Since neither [1] or [2] are true we can mark the "no" checkbox for this
> time and move along, right ?
Nope, not a chance. As I said, this is truly a C-team issue.

I'm just going to forward this mail (which has all the relative points, 
your rationalization) to the C-team (J. Beck,  They can decide 
what to do
with it.

That said, I think we *are* done with this as a PSARC issue.

- jek3

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