I agree.

-Burt Clouse
Solaris Cluster

James Carlson wrote:
> In order to finish out this case, I'll need archived "signatures" from
> each of the two managers on the 'to' line above.  A "signature" is
> just an email message saying "I agree," and the "reply-to" for this
> message has been set to psarc-ext at sun.com, which is where they need to
> go for archiving.
> A copy of the contract (for your review) is below.
> @(#)contract  1.8 @(#) /shared/sac/arc/ARC-Templates/contract [1.8 06/12/06]
> 0.  Number: PSARC/2008/688-01
> 1.  This contract is between
>       a SUPPLIER of INTERFACES and
>       a CONSUMER of those INTERFACES,
>     both of whom are entities within Sun Microsystems, Incorporated.
> 2.  The SUPPLIER (definer and/or implementor) is identified by the following:
>     Product or Bundle: Solaris
>     Consolidation: OS/Net
>     Department or Group: Networking
>     Bugster Product/Category/SubCategory: kernel/tcp-ip
>     Responsible Manager: Zhaozhou Li
> 3.  The CONSUMER is identified by the following:
>     Product or Bundle: Sun Cluster
>     Consolidation: Sun Cluster
>     Department or Group: Sun Cluster
>     Bugster Product/Category/SubCategory: suncluster/suncluster/networking
>     Responsible Manager: Burt Clouse
> 4.  The INTERFACES are:
>     cl_inet_connect2         Project Private
>     cl_inet_isclusterwide      Project Private
>     cl_inet_ipident            Project Private
>     cl_inet_getspi             Project Private
>     cl_inet_checkspi           Project Private
>     cl_inet_deletespi          Project Private
>     cl_inet_idlesa             Project Private
>     cl_inet_listen             Project Private
>     cl_inet_unlisten           Project Private
>     cl_inet_disconnect         Project Private
>     cl_tcp_walk_list           Project Private
>     cl_inet_bind               Project Private
>     cl_inet_unbind             Project Private
>       All are described in PSARC 2008/688.
> 5.  The ARC controlling these INTERFACES is: PSARC
> 6.  The CASE describing (Exporting) these INTERFACES is: 2008/688
> 7.  The following SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS are made which modify the rules
>     imposed by the stability levels listed in section 4 above:
> _Y_ 7c. Although the stability level doesn't normally allow it, CONSUMER will
>         import INTERFACES from a separate consolidation.
> _Y_ 7d. If SUPPLIER decides to change (including replace or remove) any
>       portion of the INTERFACES, SUPPLIER will notify CONSUMER of the
>       proposed new version, no later than the application for ARC
>       approval of the new version.
>       If SUPPLIER and CONSUMER are contained in the same consolidation,
>       they have the option of arranging for simultaneous conversion
>       to the new interfaces.  If this is not possible, or if they are
>       not in the same consolidation, then SUPPLIER will either make best
>       effort to work with CONSUMER so that CONSUMER can detect which
>       version of INTERFACES is being supplied, or else SUPPLIER will
>       make best effort to supply both old and new versions of
>       If SUPPLIER cannot make both versions of INTERFACES available,
>       and SUPPLIER and CONSUMER cannot devise a method whereby
>       CONSUMER can detect which version of INTERFACES is being
>       supplied, and the old version of CONSUMER will not run with the
>       new version of SUPPLIER, then either the EOL process must be
>       followed by SUPPLIER, or else a major release of SUPPLIER will
>       be required, or the change will not be allowed.
> 8. If CONSUMER requires changes in INTERFACES, SUPPLIER will make
>    best effort to accommodate such changes, which shall then be
>    treated in accordance with paragraph 7 above.
> 9. Notwithstanding paragraphs 7 and 8, a change to any portion
>    of the INTERFACES shall be regarded as a completely new set of
>    INTERFACES which require both ARC approval and execution of
>    a new contract.
> 10. SUPPLIER and CONSUMER agree that evolution of INTERFACES shall be
>     handled as follows:
>       Interfaces will be changed only on Minor release boundaries,
>       except for mutually agreed-on bug fixes.  Changes can be
>       requested by either party, with the understanding that the
>       SUPPLIER can request resources from CONSUMER to implement
>       the changes.
> 11. SUPPLIER and CONSUMER agree that INTERFACES will be supported as
>     follows:
>       CONSUMER will perform regression tests and file bugs as
>       appropriate.
> 12. SUPPLIER and CONSUMER agree that INTERFACES will be documented as
>     follows:
>       The materials for this case are the only documentation supplied.
> 13. SUPPLIER and CONSUMER agree that changes to the INTERFACES will be
>     tested as follows:
>       CONSUMER shall perform integration testing.
> 14. SUPPLIER and CONSUMER agree that this contract can be terminated as
>     follows:
>       By mutual consent.
> 15. This contract is not valid until "signed" via agreement from the
>     SUPPLIER and CONSUMER, and approved by the ARC CASE referenced by
>     this contract.  E-mail agreement to the contract should be archived
>     in the mail archive of CASE; verbal agreement to the contract
>     should be noted in the meeting minutes.  This contract remains
>     valid until superseded or invalidated.
> For SUPPLIER:                 Date:
> For CONSUMER:                 Date: 
> For ARC:                      Date:
>     A copy of this contract shall be deposited in the CASE directory as
>     "contract-<digits>" or in a "contracts" subdirectory.
> 16. (Not to be filled in until superseded or invalidated.)
>     This contract was superseded or invalidated by CASE:
>     For ARC:                  Date:

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