> > That may guarantee that the mblk_t is valid, but it's unclear to me how
 > > the information in that mblk_t can be safely used by the driver, given
 > > that it reflects the processing state (via b_rptr and b_wptr) of some
 > > random mblk_t pointing at the given dblk_t.
 > That's really an implementation detail. My implementation resets the 
 > mblk_t fields to the same state the original mblk_t fields were in after 
 > xesballoc() was called before calling frtn_t.free_func(). I've posted a 
 > webrev at http://cr.opensolaris.org/~pdurrant/stream.

Is there anything else that could meaningfully be done with mblk_t data?
If not, could we just document that the STREAMS framework will reset the
attached mblk to a pristine state prior to invoking free_func(), and save
the driver from rummaging around in private fields?


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