Steve Nash wrote:
> Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> >> * changes the default $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH for all users
> >
> > How does it change the default $PATH?
> > How does it set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH without breaking other software?
> We modify the /etc/{bashrc,csh.cshrc} to change the default environment
> (for all users).

1. Currently there is no /etc/bash.bashrc (e.g. the bash binary is
compiled without support for this file) and AFAIK no /etc/csh.cshrc
2. There is /etc/profile (for login shells) and /etc/ksh.kshrc (for
_interactive_ ksh93 shells) but both are "going away" in the near
future, being replaced by /etc/env.d/ (e.g. instead of modifying
/etc/profile , /etc/ksh.kshrc, /etc/bash.bashrc you put "scriptlets"
into /etc/env.d/shell_interactive_start/)



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 (o.\ \/ /.o) roland.mainz at
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