Jim Li wrote:
> Torrey:
>>>> Not to start a flame-fest here but haven't we seen a lot of other 
>>>> projects come across lately that integrate functionality that 
>>>> matches an other project? Why would this be different?
>>> I don't think it is a problem to have duplicate functionality,
>>> personally.  I would just like to hear that the project teams 
>>> delivering
>>> related projects are talking together and formulating their plans with
>>> each other in mind, cooperating with work on any common dependencies,
>>> etc.  At least aware of each other. 
>> All of engineering gets the ARC case submittal forms, right? ;)
>> Seriously - I agree with you. One thing I'm sure we'll see is 
>> fighting mime types of file extensions in a lot of cases.
> Mime types of file extensions issue exists in all kind of systems, so 
> IMHO this is not a ARC issue. 

I'm not sure its *not* an ARC issue but I'm not raising it for this 
case. My point is that as we - And this is a generalization - add every 
single piece of FOSS software we can get our hands on to [Open]Solaris 
we're going to see more conflicts then we did in the past. The past 
being known for a lot less duplication and an unwillingness to have more 
then one tool do the same job.

Media players are the easy example. How many have we integrated now? How 
is a user going to select the one they want and make it the default? 
Again, not a question for this case or this project team, but something 
we should figure out in the near term....if someone hasn't already.

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