On Fri, 2009-08-28 at 17:30 -0700, John Fischer wrote:
> This is Crypt::CBC, a Perl-only implementation of the cryptographic cipher 
> block chaining mode (CBC).  In combination with a block cipher such as 
> Crypt::DES or Crypt::IDEA, you can encrypt and decrypt messages of 
> arbitrarily 
> long length.  The encrypted messages are compatible with the encryption 
> format used by B<SSLeay>.
> The latest version of Crypt-CBC is 2.30 and will be installed as 
> SUNWperl-crypt-cbc package. 
> Exported Interfaces
> -------------------
> /usr/perl5/5.8.4/man/man3/Crypt::CBC.3 Man pages for the package Crypt-CBC
> Crypt::CBC perl module
> /usr/perl5/5.8.4/crypt-cbc/CBC.pm

The above looks wrong. There shouldn't be a crypt-cbc directory in the
5.8.4 "root". It should probably go somewhere in /usr/perl5/vendor_perl.

Now that Perl 5.10 has been delivered shouldn't a version for 5.10 also
be included.

> Imported Interfaces
> -------------------
> MD5 
> Not An Interface 
> --------------------
> /usr/demo/crypt-cbc/Makefile.PL - Makefile perl file

Whats the above makefile for?

> /usr/demo/crypt-cbc/t/Blowfish.t 
> /usr/demo/crypt-cbc/t/Blowfish_PP.t
> /usr/demo/crypt-cbc/t/CAST5.t
> /usr/demo/crypt-cbc/t/DES.t
> /usr/demo/crypt-cbc/t/IDEA.t
> /usr/demo/crypt-cbc/t/PCBC.t
> /usr/demo/crypt-cbc/t/Rijndael.t
> /usr/demo/crypt-cbc/t/Rijndael_compat.t
> /usr/demo/crypt-cbc/t/func.t
> /usr/demo/crypt-cbc/t/null_data.t
> /usr/demo/crypt-cbc/t/onezeropadding.t
> /usr/demo/crypt-cbc/t/parameters.t
> /usr/demo/crypt-cbc/t/preexisting.t

Aren't the above automated tests? Why are they being delivered
in /usr/demo?


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