Fuyuki Hasegawa <fuyuki at jurassic-x4600.sfbay.sun.com> writes:

>    4.5. Interfaces:
>        INTERFACE NAME             STABILITY    NOTE
>        -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>        /usr/bin/ibus-daemon       Uncommitted  message bus daemon

How is this started?  Via SMF at boot?  If so, we need FMRI etc.  Can it
ever be invoked manually be a regular user?  If not, it belongs into
/usr/sbin (if manually invoked by sysadmins) of /usr/lib.

>        /usr/bin/ibus-setup        Uncommitted  setup launcher

Same here: who invokes this?

>        /usr/libexec/ibus-x11      Uncommitted  ibus XIM fontend/agend
>        /usr/libexec/ibus-gconf    Uncommitted  config backend by gconf-python
>        /usr/libexec/ibus-ui-gtk   Uncommitted  panel GUI by pygtk

There is no /usr/libexec in Solaris: either belongs into /usr/lib (or
/usr/lib/ibus) or /usr/share/ibus if architecture independent.

>        /usr/lib/libibus.so        Uncommitted  ibus C binding SDK library

That's only the compilation symlink.  What's the real filename and SONAME?

>        /usr/libexec/              Uncommitted  IME launcher
>        ibus-engine-<IME_NAME>
>        /usr/libexec/              Uncommitted  IME setup launcher
>        ibus-setup-<IME_NAME>

Same as above: no /usr/libexec.

>        /usr/share/ibus-<IME_NAME> Uncommitted  IME modules
>        *IME_NAME is among [anthy, chewing, hangul, m17n, pinyin, table]

Why the mess: better move this to /usr/share/ibus/<IME_NAME> to avoid
cluttering /usr/share even more.

>        /usr/share/ibus-table/*    Uncommitted  ibus-table engine and
>                                                code-tables

Same here: better /usr/share/ibus/table or some such.


Rainer Orth, Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University

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