Rainer Orth schrieb:

>>>>    4.5. Interfaces:
>>>>        INTERFACE NAME             STABILITY    NOTE
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>        /usr/bin/ibus-daemon       Uncommitted  message bus daemon
>>> How is this started?  Via SMF at boot?  If so, we need FMRI etc.  Can it
>>> ever be invoked manually be a regular user?  If not, it belongs into
>>> /usr/sbin (if manually invoked by sysadmins) of /usr/lib.
>> It's user process started via gnome-session(1).
> but if there is no reason to start this manually, it's probably better
> located in /usr/lib/ibus. 

Do users that don't use GNOME and use a custom WM or a desktop that is 
not aware of ibus need to launch this manually? Is that sufficient 
justification to place it in /usr/bin?

- J?rg

Joerg Barfurth           phone: +49 40 23646662 / x66662
Software Engineer        mailto:joerg.barfurth at sun.com
Desktop Technology       http://reserv.ireland/twiki/bin/view/Argus/
Thin Client Software     http://www.sun.com/software/sunray/
Sun Microsystems GmbH    http://www.sun.com/software/javadesktopsystem/

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