James Carlson <carlsonj at workingcode.com> wrote:
> .. ?Thus "FOSS is special."

I believe FOSS *IS* Special - because doing a good job of integrating
general cross-platform FOSS into OpenSolaris is actually HARDER than
integrating something invented by the community specifically for the
OS itself.

The substantial case history for using the taxonomies does a good job
of helping the latter projects - but it leaves the former hanging -
their architectural requirements include things that core OS projects
don't care about: "consistency across multiple different OS and distro
platforms",  "backwards compatibility is only important for a small
number (maybe even one) of previous releases", and, in many cases,
"need to be able to have multiple versions installed on the same
system" (nee installations in multiple different $HOME directories).

> Why does their work need to be reviewed at all?

I think you are running the wrong way down the playing field :-)

Not only do I believe that ARC review "good" and "important", but I
believe that it could be better and easier if there was some well
thought out guidance to these FOSS projects that helped them meet
their additional requirements.

Right now, we are pushing all this FOSS thru the "architecture for
things embedded into a single OS instance" grinder, and the sausage
that comes out is a bit hard to chew. I'm simply suggesting we should
provide another set of guidance (for the ARCs and the Projects) that
would improve things for everyone.

The people on the ARCs are the ones that have a good idea of the big
picture; they need to take the lead (as in become Leaders and Core
Contributors in the OpenSolaris Community) and help lead the rest of
us (Participants and Contributors) towards a viable set of solutions.
They have the case history to start the conversation, they have the
use cases such policies and best practices can test themselves
against, and they have the ability to revise and shape the review
process itself so that it can try out these new things.

If they don't take the lead in these things, nobody will, and the end
result will be that slippery slope of "external" software doesn't need
to be reviewed  when it integrates into OpenSolaris, then ... _no_
software needs the sort of review the ARC provides".



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