On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 11:18:25AM -0700, John Plocher wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 8:42 AM, Nicolas Williams
> <Nicolas.Williams at sun.com> wrote:
> > If you replace programs delivered by Solaris itself they you've rendered
> > your system unsupportable and, indeed, we will not support it.
> That may be true of Oracle's commercial Solaris Product, but we are
> talking about OpenSolaris here.

Other distros of OpenSolaris can do what they like, up to and including
modifying ksh93 (or provide default dot files to setup ksh envs) to suit
their needs, including some but not other ARC cases, setting up their
own ARCs, etcetera.  There's no way that _this_ ARC can cater to an open
and varied set of distros based on OpenSolaris.

Moreover, are there _any_ distros of {Linux, OpenSolaris, *BSD} for
which paid support is available and where the vendor allows customers to
replace random parts of the distro without breaking support contracts in
the process?  If so, does support for random customizations cost extra
or does the customer have to describe them in detail?  And are random
run-time customizations ever supported by anyone without requiring a
reboot afterwards?

Would you build and support a distro that allows for replacement of
random parts at run-time?  Really?  I can't believe that any reasonable
business-person would.

> The architectural point is that the user/admin needs control of things
> like this; with ksh93 builtins, they have that ability (i.e., they can
> turn builtins off...) and update binutils packages and the like.
> There is no magic here.


There's no need for ksh93 to check whether executables tracked by
built-ins have changed.  If you must make such changes, then you should
reboot afterwards.


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