userland command name conflict resolution is handled
by crafting PATH around the conflicts and user preferences

ksh93 builtins can also be pluguins located in shared-libs/dlls
and plugin lookup can be interspersed with PATH lookup
if /usr/gnu/bin is searched before a plugin containing a grep builtin
then /usr/gnu/bin/grep will take precedence over the grep builtin

On Thu, 18 Mar 2010 11:53:57 -0400 Stefan Teleman wrote:
> This project raises a concern in my mind with respect to a very old 
> and generally accepted UNIX architectural principle:

> "Tools, Not Policy".

> If i understand it correctly, this case effectively vacates the 
> principle stated above, and replaces it with its exact opposite:

> "Policy, Not Tools".

> Because the only possible rationale for having /usr/gnu/bin/grep 
> transparently and silently replaced by a shell builtin grep is as a 
> result of some mandatory policy in effect, which would trump explicit 
>   user selection.

> It would be very helpful if the project team would kindly explain how 
> it intends to address the architectural concern above, and also how it 
> intends to mitigate the proliferation of userland commands with 
> identical names, but providing, in many cases, different semantics.

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