On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 09:54:01PM -0700, Dan Price wrote:
> I also have questions about how intelligent a consuming piece of
> software must be in order to make sense of this information.  Has anyone
> written a proof of concept tool using this?  For example, if a directory
> /foo/a is renamed to /foo/b, then an analyzer would need to stat /foo/b
> in order to discover that /foo/b is a directory, then traverse into as
> needed.  It would be a shame if everyone who wanted to consume this had
> to write the same thousand lines of code (I'm happy to be convinced that
> this isn't the case).

Using simple backslash escaping works well with the shell's read
built-in.  Backslash octal escaping also works well with the shell's
read built-in using the -r option (but not with /usr/has/bin/sh, which
has no -r option).

I'm happy with octal escapes for shell scripting.

For other purposes one might really like HTML/XML entities (e.g.,
'&'), but I don't expect the i-team will want to cater to every
developer :/  Instead, an API would be nice, since an API could
completely avoid any ambiguity directly.  That could come later.

> Some specific questions...
> 1) In what order are the changes printed?  If I saw:
>       +       /myfiles/rename_dir
>       R       /myfiles/rename_dir -> /myfiles/rename_dir
> My analyzer would need to be smart enough to realize that the second
> must have happened before the first, and that both paths need
> evaluation.  Right?

Between two snapshots only the later event would be found, surely.  (But
I'm not the i-team.)

> 2) The meaning of "file/directory" (Don's concern aside) seems ambiguous in
> the proposal.  Are we tracking the filesystem *namespace* entry?  Or the
> actual object?  I found that not being sure of this made the proposal
> hard to evaluate.  Simple thought experiment which confused me:

A related question: what about zero-link files that were open at the
time that a snapshot was taken?  Presumably there's no need to even
mention their existence since they can't be accessed by the consumer.

> 4) I would also vote for a mode which simply outputs a list of
> pathnames to investigate for differences.  This would enable:
>    zfs diff -someflag a at 1 a at 2 | xargs do_some_analysis_on_these

If you're going to target xargs then definitely, definitely include a
GNU find-like -print0 option to match xargs' -0 option.  That completely
avoids ambiguity.  (And, of course, for renames output only the new


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