PSARC members,

The project team has provided updated materials which have been placed under
the commitment.materials directory.  There is now an ARC cover page
(ARC-CoverPage.html) which describes the changes between the inception and
commitment materials.

I have also added the attached draft opinion which is in the top level directory.
There is also an HTML version of the draft opinion in the case directory.

Please review these new materials and the draft opinion. Either provide feedback
or vote on the case by COB Wednesday, June 30th, 2010.



Systems Architecture Committee

Oracle Proprietary/Need to Know

Subject:                        OpenSolaris Text Installer
Submitted by:                   Susan Sohn
File:                           PSARC/2010/165/opinion.html
Date:                           TBD
Committee:                      John Fischer, TBD.
Product Approval Committee:     N/A
1. Summary 
The Text Installer is a mouseless, screen-oriented installer designed for use 
on SPARC and x86 systems that may not have graphics support such as many 
server-class machines.

2. Decision & Precedence Information 
The project is approved as specified in reference [1].

The project may be delivered in a minor release of the ON Consolidation. 

3. Interfaces 
The project exports the following interfaces. 
Interfaces Exported
Interface                               Classification      Comments
--------------------------------------- ------------------- --------------------
/usr/lib/text-install                   Uncommitted         CLI

system/install/text-install             Committed           IPS package name

${root}/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/\ Consolidation       Python to C bridge
    osol_install/                 Private             to Target
                                                            Instantiation and
                                                            Target Discovery

${root}/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/\ Consolidation       Python to C bridge
    osol_install/         Private             to /usr/lib/\

system/install-setup:default            Uncommitted         SMF Install service

The project imports the following interfaces. 
Interfaces Imported
Interface                               Classification      Comments
--------------------------------------- ------------------- --------------------                        Contracted Private  LSARC/2001/015

Python2.6                               Uncommitted         PSARC/2009/043                         Consolidation       LSARC/2004/743

Distribution Constructor                Committed           PSARC/2009/471                           Contracted Volatile LSARC/2008/524

menu.lst (grub)                         Evolving            PSARC/2004/454

4. Opinion 
This project had a successful inception review which did not have any major
concerns that could not be corrected by specification updates. Thus the case 
was approved by updating those specifications and taking an email vote. The 
issues listed below reflect the substantial inception review issues.

4.1 Static IP and IPv6 Networking
The inception UI specifications discussed the longer term UI for setting up the 
various NICs. The project team stated that the current review was based upon 
allowing networking to be setup via NWAM or not established. Static and IPv6 
configurations will be reviewed in a future fast track and be based upon the 
“interfaces for basic install network configuration” case (PSARC/2010/164). 
There will be documentation in the commitment materials explaining that the 
Static IP and IPv6 Network section of the UI specification are not covered by 
this case (reference [2]). The committee was fine with the OpenSolaris Text 
Installer not being dependent upon that case and following up with a fast track.

4.2 text-install Command Installation Location
As specified the project installs text-installer into /usr/bin. When questioned 
about the usage of the command the project team stated that there are a few 
use cases where the end user might execute the command from a command line. The 
majority of uses would simply be to insert a disc and the text-installer 
automatically starts on boot. The committee stated that perhaps a better
installation location might be /usr/lib. The project team has decided to 
the text-installer into the /usr/lib directory.  The committee was fine with 
resolution of this issue.

4.3 Root and User Passwords Not Required
The committee noted that the root and user passwords are not required at 
time. The project team stated that they were following current Best Practices 
with regards to installation technologies. The installation user is warned that 
the system will be installed in an unsafe manor. The committee was fine with 

4.4 User Installed as Primary Administrator
The initial user installed by the Caiman installers have been given the Primary 
Administrator role. The committee pointed out that this role is going away. The 
issue was discussed in the Solaris Modernization case (PSARC/2010/067). In that 
case the project team agreed to modify the installers to:

    1. remove the root password prompt 
    2. require an initial user login name and password 
    3. set the root password to the initial user password 
    4. the root is type=role 
    5. the initial user is granted the root role (type=normal;roles=root) 
    6. the initial user is put in /etc/sudoers -- presumable with all commands 
    7. the initial use is no longer granted the Primary Administrator Rights
    8. the password hash algorithm is sha256 
    9. the root account password is installed as expired (passwd -f). 
       sp_lstchg == 0

The specification for this case will be modified to reflect this requirement 
deposited in the case directory as commitment materials (Appendix C - [1]). The 
committee was fine with the issue.

5. Minority Opinion(s) 


6. Advisory Information 


7. Appendices 
7.1 Appendix A: Technical Changes Required 


7.2 Appendix B: Technical Changes Advised 


7.3 Appendix C: Reference Material 
Unless otherwise stated, path names are relative to the case directory 

  Standard PSARC Questionnaire
  ARC cover page describing the case and documents included for review
  Text Installer Design Document Open Document Text format
  Text Installer Design Document Portable Document Format
  Solaris Caiman Text-based Installer UI Specification non-graphical format

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