> >One technical difference is that cursor keys and
> command line editing and completion generally wor
> ks out of the box in Linux and it generally doesn't
> in Solaris. I hope OpenSolaris will finally fix
> that usability issue so that it can lose that "80ies
> s feeling"
> >and be more user friendly.
> >
> >Changing that for the shells (without having to type
> magic commands) and for vi would be useful. O
> penSolaris vi in gnome terminal regularly
> misinterprets the cursor keys
> >as their individual characters after ESC.
> >This message posted from opensolaris.org
> Changing the default shell is easy; that's probably
> what you want.
>  useradd -D -s /bin/tcsh

I did that of course for my user (with bash not tcsh after I installed it)

But it doesn't work for root and I am not sure what would break
if I change the root default shell to bash. So now I end up
typing bash or ksh set -o emacs after every su. Not very friendly.

But you missed my point.

Why do this not work out of the box? Now it has all this eye candy
with GNOME, but why do such fundamental things require configuratio in Solaris?
In the current times there shouldn't be any need to fiddle with things
like that. Every user has the right for working cursor keys. 
In Linux they certainly generally work so it is certainly possible. Perhaps
its popularity is somehow related to things like that?

> Except that it doesn't work :-(; you can edit
> /etc/sadm/defadduser but
> certainly this looks like a bug in useradd we need to
> fix.

How about linking the command editing library
that is used in zoneadm and other tools into /bin/sh ?
And fixing that vi GNOME terminal bug.

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