Shawn Walker wrote:

On 7/8/05, Danek Duvall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
<snipped all the wonderful stuff written>

+1000 - a post put far more elegantly than I could given your internal
knowledge and experience

Thanks for the mini-insight into SUN's outlook on even "small" changes!

   Danek's summary on Solaris' processes prompted me to look up
what OpenSolaris is. According to the FAQ:

The FAQ on

*What is the difference between the OpenSolaris project and the Solaris Operating System?*

The OpenSolaris project is not a product offering; rather, it is an open source project complete with source code and infrastructure for collaborative development at

The Solaris OS is Sun's supported operating system offering. Future versions of the Solaris OS will be based on technology from the OpenSolaris project.

This says OpenSolaris != Solaris. Compare this with the Linux kernel, Linux 2.6 release, different distros picked up different additional bits and shipped. So in this light, Solaris and OpenSolaris is similar to Linux Kernel and its distros . Of course this is still early day for OpenSolaris, many communities still need to be built up and distros to be created.

No distros want to fork from the master source forever :), the proces to integrate code is described here:

I don't think anyone outside Sun is able to follow that process. Of course the good news is that the OpenSolaris is determined to simplify this process as developers are coming on board.

But what is unclear to me is should there be a OpenSolaris Implementation vis Solaris Implementation? That is, should there a version of OpenSolaris which can simply be picked up by a distro, take it, build it and ship it. I think this is important because distros can start stating this is OpenSolaris 10.x or whatever.

(With a Community Advocate hat on)

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