So, I have spent some time during last 2-3 weeks working with portage on 
solaris. First I emerged my fav KDE and its deps into my /usr straightaway to 
get me a good desktop to work with(sorry JDS folks). This created the first 
problem for me. libxml2 got updated by portage and pkgadd didn't know about. 
So, when I created a zone for portage, I got a non-existent link to and the zone won't boot because svcs depends on XML.

Once I was past that it was a breeze to emerge freely in the new zone without 
the fear of breaking the system. Now the state of the zone is that its almost a 
gentoo system(/usr/sfw and partial xorg are out of the window and so is 
openwin) in there, with solaris kernel and some core solaris libraries. This is 
all good.

I see two major roadblocks ahead of me and I need help from you folks in 
understanding where we are with respect to these:

1. opening up pkgadd so I can inject portage emerged packages into package 
database so that zones work properly. Is there a reason why zones are tied so 
closely with pkg database? with a whole-root zone creation, wouldn't it be 
simpler and faster if whole damn thing was just copied, instead of 
install-copied? I understand that when a global zone is updated, we need to 
perculate the changes to all non-global zones. But that's no reason for not 
copying all during create.

This doesn't apply to non-whole-root zone creation, so we are cool there. But I 
still want to keep pkg database and emerge database in sync and its very easy 
to do if I can get hold of pkg source. Injecting into portage database is very 
simple and a well documented API exists for that(in fact thats what I did for 
many deps because I didn't want to overwrite existing binaries in "/").

2. closed bins are a pain. Are they ever going to go away? When are we getting 
at least the non-debug version of those? I get terrible performance problems 
some of the times(reported here in a separate thread but didn't get much 
response from people, so assuming that everyone is a getting a jittery USB 
mouse and skipping in xmms during IO loads) and I just wanted to see if the 
non-debug version performs any better. And of course I am dying to compare the 
zone with the gentoo install I have on the other disk. I have very favourable 
(to the OS) performance comparisons so far, but I am waiting for the punch the 
non-debug kernel can deliver.
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