On Jul 15, 2005, at 6:18 PM, James Dickens wrote:

I guess what we need now is to hear from others besides Joerg, and at this point we aren't ready for technical discussion, we need to build a community so we don't just have a community of 1 or two, we need others opinions as well and hopefully an agreement to work together on a solution that is satisfactory for all not just a few. Please chime in the other people involved with the other projects. Want this community to be inclusive not exclusive, Where all will have a voice.

The discussion so far has focused too much on the details.
The key should be to find the least common denominator.

The main question is: does all those previously mentioned
packaging systems have anything in common.
The answer to that question should be the focus of this discussion.
(Personally, I don't have a clue, but it seems that I'm not
the only one ;o)

Can we all at least agree on two things right now.

#1 if we work together and commit changes/ports/updates/security fixes to a single repository it will help out everyone.

Sure, you get my vote.

#2 That we will work together to make #1 happen.

To me, it seems mandatory.


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