> As far as the "accpted way" of software management on
> a Solaris
> system, well everyone has a "right" way of their own.
> But, it really
> sounds like most of your questions could be answered
> here:
> System Administration Guide: Basic Administration
> http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/817-1985
> That collection of documents will explain:
> * System Management
> * User / Group Management
> * Client-Server Support Management
> * Shutdown / Startup / Reboot
> * Services Management
> * Software Management
> * Patch Management
> It should give you a good overall view of the system
> and the basic
> management processes. I'm sure others here can give
> good book
> recommendations or answer specific questions.

Well, I went completely through that section multiple times already, and 
nowhere do I see any information about installing software other than sun 
provided packages/third party packages, many of which I can't find! For 
instance, there are no php 5.0.4 packages released by Sun. So, I've gone, 
download the source, downloaded everything php relies on, and hand built it 
all. I couldn't find anywhere in the documentation how to do this the "proper" 
way so I don't end up with a server administration nightmare! I've dug through 
the link you posted many times before, and again now that you've pointed me at 
it, and seen no reference to handling software installs beyond Sun/third party 
provided packages. I would really appreciate any input you could give me 
concerning this, because this is the _only_ issue keeping me from using Solaris 
on a really large scale. Well, that and the lack of a good pre-written control 
panel for users/datacenters that supports Solaris. :P
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