>   As I said, Blastwave isn't even similar to this approach.  It has
>   lot of problems: libraries duplication, zero system integration,
>   etc.

The duplications annoys me too, as does perhaps the fact that it the
"Solaris 8" it uses as a lowest common denominator is a bit long in the
teeth.  E.g., when it comes to Solaris x86 Solaris 8 misses all kinds
of features like SSE/SSE2 support which makes it impossible to optimize
for modern CPUs.

But that is a small failing which can be addressed by looking into
a versioning system which could support multiple releases.

>   Debian is a well integrated systems, without duplication of
>   software, with a great packaging system, 100% free, with loads of
>   ready to use software, hundreds and hundreds of active developers,
>   dozens of derived distributions, government implantation, etc.. It
>   makes Blastwave look like a simply work around.

A great packaging system isn't so great if it means that there's a second
parallel packaging system and two different commands to use to remove

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