On Jul 28, 2005, at 5:13 PM, John Beck wrote:

Roy> ... a lot of the posts I have seen are emphasizing the business
Roy> decisions made by an ARC rather than the technical review.

Bryan> For an operating system, the constraints of existing interfaces
Bryan> are a _technical_ problem, _not_ just a business problem.

Roy> That is absolute rubbish...

It is not rubbish; Bryan's comment is spot on given the constraints
under which he is operating, which you appear not to be operating under.


I don't operate under Solaris constraints.  I don't make business
decisions for Sun, and Sun doesn't make business decisions for me.
If I want to work on an enhancement to OpenSolaris then I should be
allowed to do so regardless of Sun's business decisions.  That is
the whole point of creating a collaboration instead of throwing
the code over a wall -- to enable people outside Sun to do things
that are completely unbounded by the current world-view of Sun
management, and yet do so in a way that enables Sun to take advantage
of them (either in part or as a whole) within other products, or
at some time in the future when their customers demand it.

OpenSolaris is NOT under the same constraints as Solaris
because OpenSolaris is a community-driven collaboration
involving multiple companies who may not even be distributing
operating systems, let alone ABI-compatible versions of Solaris 5.
Those contraints are a *business decision* of Sun Microsystems,
and thus have no influence over Jörg's desire to provide a
future OpenSolaris version of ksh that is based on ksh93.

Whether or not Sun includes a given product version in Solaris
is a compatibility issue that it can fully decide on its own.

Whether or not we create a project within an OpenSolaris
community to tackle a given task is completely independent
of any interface constraints.  The only thing we need to agree
on as a community is what the version numbers mean, and thereby
allow integrations like Solaris to choose which product versions
to include in which release.

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