Roy> Right now, Sun has only exposed the "done" gate of OpenSolaris, which is
Roy> equivalent to throwing code over the wall.  The reason I talk about that
Roy> wall is because one of the primary goals of the governance proposal is
Roy> to avoid a situation like that of Darwin, wherein the community is only
Roy> allowed on the periphery and releases are tossed over the wall based on
Roy> internal decisions.

Speaking for myself, avoiding the Darwin "throw it over the wall" approach
is a primary goal as well.  I think most if not all of the other Sun people
in this community share that goal.

Roy> ... I think you should be looking more closely at the FreeBSD and Apache
Roy> styles of development, which have successfully integrated strong peer
Roy> review and stable interface revisions in the same manner as Sun but
Roy> *with* true community collaboration.  I think you will find that such
Roy> communities closely match the values held by Sun engineering and yet are
Roy> able to collaborate as equals.  I think continued use of teamware as
Roy> the integration mechanism will prevent us from building a collaborative
Roy> community.

The use of Teamware is not written in stone AFAIK.  You raise some good
points above, which I am sure will be considered as we (the entire community,
not just Sun people) look at what SCM tool(s) to use.

-- John
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