On Sat, 2005-07-30 at 19:11, John Plocher wrote:
> In as much as we can follow Path 1 or 2A, the relationship between
> Solaris and OpenSolaris is "easy".  Obviously, this includes
> the forwards compatibility with Solaris.Future as well as that
> of Solaris.Historical and other OpenSolaris derivatives.

Of course there isn't really a bright line distinction between 2A and

If you strive for 2A, you may get some of the details wrong and end up
(not by intent) with 2B.  If the intent to get to 2A, then we generally
regard this merely as a bug (program doesn't match the spec).

Historically, we've had major rewrites go into ON which weren't perfect
replacements which got fixed up eventually as problems were found.

in the specific case of ksh88, it may turn out to be the case that pdksh
is "close enough" that the known delta is just a few bug fixes away -- a
small-scale project rather than a major undertaking like rewriting it
from scratch...

                                        - Bill

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