On Tue, 2 Aug 2005, Magnus Forsberg wrote:
> [ ... ]
> I see there is already a disussion about this in:
> http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=953&tstart=0
> The most interesting part is to have a standard build system, not just a 
> package system...

I agree -- mostly because there would be way too many negative
ramifications of going with anything but the Solaris SVR4 package
system (at least for now anyway).

> Seems you're looking at:
> * deb
> * pkgsrc (implemented by pkgsrc system)
> * portage
> * rpm (implemented by the openpkg system)
> * solaris packaging (implemented by Sun, Blastwave, and Sunfreeware)
> * tww (implemented by tww system)
> OpenPKG spec files combined with pkg-tools seems like a good alternative for 
> me at the moment. We'll see where this leads, it will be interesting.

If you're experimenting with OpenPKG and pkg-tools, I'd suggest
checking out pkgbuild and the JDS common build environment too because
they are also based on the RPM spec-file framework.


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