>> After doing extensive work on making Solaris of the x86/x64 variety more 
>> mobile
>> and trying to make it the laptop of choice withing Sun (not there yet, but
>> in much better shape than some time ago), I'd like to propose the
>>      "OpenSolaris Laptop Community"
>Do you intend that this will cover Sparc laptops?

Yes, but they are in much better shape, generally, because they
come with native Solaris support.

>> (Currently running Solaris on a Vaio Z600TEK, Ferrari 3400, Ferrari 4000;
>> and soon, perhaps, a Dual Core laptop)

>Well, you could have had a dual core sparc laptop around a year ago if someone
>at Sun hadn't pulled the plug on it :(

Dual Core SPARC laptop?  What CPU would it use, a USIV?

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