We plan to push development for the Solaris Companion out into the community, 
to serve as a test case for community development for other areas of Solaris. 
The Companion is the supplemental collection of open source software 
distributed with Solaris.     

The source code repository, the gate, will be external as will the gatekeeper, 
the person who manages the source base and does the builds.

Why the Companion?        

   1. It's the simplest case we have.   It's all open source.  It's 
supplemental to Solaris and consequently not subject to reviews by internal 
architecture committees,  a rigid bi-weekly delivery schedule, or complex 
dependencies.  We can get it out quickly.  As yet, no release date has been 

  2. Building development communities

        Several external communities already exist around open source for 
Solaris.  Some discussions on opensolaris.org have suggested that these 
communities work more closely together.  We hope the release of the Companion 
source base will encourage this cooperation.    

   3. Initial Structure

         Solaris management has asked Steve Christensen to be the gate keeper.  
Steve has maintained the sunfreeware.com site for many years. The source base 
will be the Companion contents for Solaris 10 minus those packages that are now 
included in Solaris 11 or those packages considered no longer important. 
Requests for upgrading existing packages and/or adding new packages will 
reviewed by a team of Sun engineers. Interested external people will be invited 
to join this team. The goal is equal representation.  The review team will 
follow all applicable Open Solaris processes.   Many implementation details 
remain to be determined. 

Marilyn Shoemaker
Solaris Program Manager
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