On Thu, 18 Aug 2005, Ian Collins wrote:

> True, but is duplication?

Not necessarily, but choice usually implies some sort of duplication
of effort.

> Remember these are the same applications, so why duplicate the porting
> effort?  It would be better to build a Solaris 8 and up and Solaris 10
> only version from the same source.  This way the porting only gets done
> once and the same pool of maintainers can port more packages.

Agreed, but (for example) some people might not like the way Blastwave
sticks everything under /opt/csw (including etc files and the like).  Or
some people might prefer more or less integration (see the vim sub-thread
from a a couple of days ago): one distro for all the bells and whistles,
and onother for more basic needs.

Rich Teer, SCNA, SCSA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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