Alan Hargreaves - Product Technical Support (APAC) wrote:
Just been having a discussion with a memober of the community (you know who you are; but no names, no pack drill) who logged a bug, had it updated by a sun engineer, but now has a problem because of a combination of the following two facts:

1. the bugs interface does not allow update of an existing bug
2. the bugs interface blanks out the name of the sun engineer doing an update.

He is now in the position that he wishes to discuss the bug with the person who updated it, but has no way of doing so.

Given that the name is blanked out publicly, I am hesitant (to the point of not doing it) to give out the name of the engineer.

I believe that Karyn is going to put the two folks in touch, but let's be real here, Karym is a limited resource and shouldn't have to be doing this.

We *need* to address this, I would argue, as a relatively high priority issue.

Providing a button for "respond to RE" would help for those bugs with an RE and would be a start, perhaps if there is no RE it should go to the distribution list that a bug update for that cat/subcat already goes to?

Better would be to provide a mechanism for a logged in person to update the bug.

One might also be able to argue that for the publicly viewable parts of a bug that can be displayed by, we shouldnt' be blanking out names.

Alan Hargreaves -
Kernel/VOSJEC/Performance Engineer
Product Technical Support (APAC)
Sun Microsystems
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