On Tue, Sep 06, 2005 at 06:37:08PM -0500, Shawn Walker wrote:
> On 9/6/05, Sven Luther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sat, Aug 20, 2005 at 06:56:02PM -0700, Rich Teer wrote:
> > > On Fri, 19 Aug 2005, Robert W. Fuller wrote:
> > >
> > > > Shawn Walker wrote:
> > > > > If opensolaris ever went GPL, I'd be gone in an instant, and I suspect
> > > > > others would as well. Because at that point, it would become useless
> > > >
> > > > Nobody was suggesting that Open Solaris go GPL, merely that the license 
> > > > be
> > > > modified to be GPL compatible.
> > >
> > > Personally, I think the GPL should be modified to be CDDL compatible.
> > 
> > Most certainly not, if you don't like GPLed software, don't use it, it is as
> > simple as that, but trying to take over the code (ten, hundred ?) thousands 
> > of
> > free software authors have placed under the GPL is highly unethical.
> What is unethical is a matter of opinion. Some people consider the GPL
> unethical ;)

Ah, yes ? i would really like to hear an explanation at how this can be, if
there is someone around who is not too ashamed to mention it in public.

Face it, if someone licence a piece of code under the GPL, it is his choice to
do so, and as user you have to live with the consequences.

If someone release a piece of code under a BSD-like licence, they have no
problem in allowing everyone to use the code, either by making it GPLed or
Proprietary, or even by including it in GPLed code and giving back its
modification to the original BSD project.

I fail to see what is unethical about following the author's wish when he
licence the code. After all without him giving out the code, you have nothing
at all.

But then, i guess the logical followup of someone finding the GPL unethical
would be to find all proprietary code unethical nd haveing all code ever
written fall in the public domain, and then take this to other areas, like the
film and music industry, to real physical property. Well, i guess there may be
some anarchist who would be happy with that, and in this case, yes, the GPL
would be a problem :)


Sven Luther

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