On 9/7/05, Karyn Ritter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've pulled together my preliminary thoughts on the relative priorities
> of open sourcing the other Solaris consolidations, and would like you
> all to comment on the list and priorities below.
> These priorities are not temporally influenced: we did not list
> consolidations as a "HIGH" priority just because they will be available
> next and items that are "HIGH" may not be available for quite some time.
> The priority should be a reflection of how important the
> code/functionality is to the community, and I'm sure I didn't get it all
> right. The goal of this is to give everyone a sense of what the
> priorities for the program should be.
> Feedback by next week (9/13) would be appreciated. We'll be rolling this
> into a status dashboard that will be posted externally in the coming
> weeks, so there will be opportunities to adjust the priorities moving
> forward. Stay tuned for more information.
> Thanks,
> Karyn
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Consolidation                                 Priority
> ------------------------------------------    --------
> Sun Java System Application Server            LOW
> OS/Networking                                 HIGH
> Companion CD                                  MED
> JDS/GNOME                                     MED
> Network Storage                               MED
> Solaris Freeware (SFW)                        MED
> X Window System                               MED
Maybe this should be changed to "HIGH" - Sun has very interesting X11
extensions which should be released as soon as possible to allow their
integration in the current xorg tree. Later integration may
significantly more difficult as the Sun X11 and xorg source trees
become more and more different with each day - and the current
modularisation effort at xorg will trigger even more porting problems.
This items should be really *HIGH* to avoid a great burden of the
people who have to do the porting.
      _        Felix Schulte
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