On 9/8/05, Richard L. Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
> > Common Desktop Environment (CDE)              No
> > plans to open source
> While I realize that's not under your control, has anyone approached TOG and
> the other contributing companies to at least consider it?  If on the one hand,
> CDE is out of fashion and on its way out, then perhaps its value isn't what it
> used to be; and that would allow the burden of legacy support to gradually
> become self-support.  On the other, were it opened, there are a number of
> enhancements that would be fairly easy to add; documented functions to do
> some of the things that are private between dtstyle and dtwm/dtsession (via
> libDtSvc, typically), that would allow various useful functionalities.  I have
> a utility I wrote that allows one to issue dtwm f. commands from the command
> line; most useful is a dtwm reset for those cases that one might want it in a 
> script,
> such as after editing dtwm-related resources; it doesn't use undocumented 
> functions,
> but rather does the same X operations as they do; or like a command that 
> fetches
> and resets the screen saver list from the command line.  Another thing that 
> might
> be possible were it open is to allow full-screen JPG per-workspace backgrounds
> to be properly integrated (can be achieved now outside of dtstyle by 
> retrieving the windowid of the backdrop window and using something like 
> xloadimage that can be
> given a windowid).  Anyway, there's clearly lots of potential for improvement 
> too.
> I do notice that Motif-based apps _still_ seem to be 'way smaller and faster 
> than
> GNOME-based apps at this time.  Now perhaps, the corporate types want to
> invest in improving GNOME, and I certainly don't have a problem with that.  
> But
> as long as legacy apps exist (and we all know they never _all_ go away), 
> there will
> be those few that favor the CDE environment.  There may not be enough to 
> justify
> corporate spending for ongoing enhancements, yet still enough to support a 
> community
> that would be able to get it done themselves if they had the opportunity.
Do you really think that anything will happen here? It is not the
first time that someone begs for making Solaris CDE opensource or at
least accessible under NDA to allow customers/users do fixes and
improvements. For example Roland Mainz requested it multiple times,
backed by our university which was willing to sponsor a project with
both money, resources and personal (Roland Mainz, Tanja Pradetch, me
and three students, AFAIK more people than Sun currently uses to
maintain both CDE and Motif in Solaris). So far no one at Sun seemed
to be interested.
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