If any of you are interested in trying out the hot hot hot Zimbra technology on Solaris10/OpenSolaris, please be sure to let the folks at Zimbra know -- they're polling their community to find out what the next OS they should port to is.

Here's the thread. You'll need to register first, then vote for "Other" and then add a comment to the thread explaining the vote. I just did it. :-)


The specific question the Zimbra folks had asked:

"Just a quick pulse check to see what interest is out there for the various OS's ports. BTW: We already support Red Hat Enterprise 4, and Fedora Core 3. We also have reports of it working on Fedora Core 4, but don't release binaries yet."

I hate that we have to vote for "Other", rather than having Solaris or OpenSolaris be a choice in the poll. Of course, perceptions are changing, more and more, and all of your community participation is helping...

Many thanks,

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