On 7 Oct 2005, at 14:11, Dennis Clarke wrote:

One thing that I have been looking at is the creation of a GUI for

While we're on the topic of 'things I'd like to see in packages...', I think one of the fundamental limitations of the current package system is that versioning is not a key part of the process package management process. It's certainly not very visible when it comes to displaying currently installed packages, and the system is, at best, clumsy when you want to upgrade a package that is already installed, but based on an earlier version.

That can make keeping up to date a very manual process when it should be more automatic, and that solution should include a method for determining whether the versions of your currently installed packages are the latest, and then of course offer to update them for you if not.

This is standard functionality in nearly all package-managed Linux distributions, but the only way I know of for keeping up to date in this way with Solaris is to pay for full support, and then AFAIK it is limited to patches, rather than downloading and installing an updated package.

I realize a lot of that is due to the way Solaris used to be provided and supported - something that's changing with OpenSolaris - but longer term I think it will be an issue.


Martin 'MC' Brown, http://MCslp.com

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