On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Mac wrote:
> James Dickens wrote:
> > perhaps i'm tired... but that just comes off as LAME!....
> >
> > how does that come off as "fully functional" ... this is opensource
> > software... no need for secrets this started out as an opensource
> > project, no hidden closed sourced secrets, guess i will be skipping
> > this project, untill they are really open.
> We wanted to get as much feedbacks about the layout,
> contents, usability and features of the web portal
> before opening it up fully to the public (scheduled
> for mid-November, barring any unforeseen circumstances).
> There are things like forums, mailing list, blogs,
> web-based Debian repository browser, etc. which need
> to be tested during this pilot period.  We would be
> more than happy to open it for the public now, but
> we are aiming for a controlled test environment which
> would be hard to achieve in such a case.
> After all, everything there is powered by our stuffs,
> and we have not had the necessary resources to make
> sure that everything is well oiled.  We'd be thrilled
> to have you and others test that for us.
> We'll be providing ISO images of our LiveCD and InstallCD
> in the upcoming days (hopefully sooner rather than later)
> via the web portal.
> --
> Mac

My 2 cents: I think it's too early to judge this project. In other
words, I think they deserve the "benefit of the doubt" at this point
because they say the pilot will be short and because they apparently
have put a lot of original work into it.

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