On 1/12/06, Dave Miner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dennis Clarke wrote:
> > On 11/8/05, Joerg Schilling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Stephen Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>>   I will check on our status; I know that we have been through the
> >>>   source files, and closing in on how to get the package tools published
> >>>   (i.e. in one delivery or two, with binaries first).
> >> Please do.....
> >>
> >> Note that I would like to create a OpenSolaris distro that is binary
> >> compatible with Sun Solaris. Not having the pkg* tools is a big handycap.
> >
> > What is the status on source for these tools ?
> >
> What I wrote last week, admittedly under a thread you may have ignored ;-)

No I did not ignor it .. although I was looking for something more
definitive ...

>The package sources are being actively worked on - the roadmap says
>they'll be there this quarter, and we do believe that will be the case.

so then .. maybe this quarter .. maybe not.  Okay .

There were binaries posted with redistribution rights at one point however.

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