On Thu, 30 Mar 2006, Darren J Moffat wrote:

> /usr/sadm/bin/sm* is the CLI interface to SMC.
> What can we do (other than the performance issue) to improve SMC so that
> "hardcore CLI junkies" and "pointy clickies" would both like it ?

Here are a few:

1. Don't make me re-enter the root password when I click on something once
I already su'd into root just to run smc.  And then it keeps asking me
when I go to a new task.  So much for SSO.

2. Why on earth do I have to
have a server and communicate over tcp/ip just to admin my local machine?
This just make it just too slow IMHO.  If I wanted to admin a
remote machine I would just use webmin.  That annoys me while I wait for it to 
load stuff
off of port 898.

3.  Use another look and feel besides that junky metal one.  And while I
am at it, the developers who wrote SMC need to learn Swing, it is normal
to see screwed up layouts and paint issues. (Sorry to be so harsh, I just
really despise SMC)  The whole smc thing is just a big example of how not
to write a Swing app and all of this from the company that invented and
pushes Swing.

4.  How about an interface to admin SMF, etc?  If you want smc to be
useful for us 'pointy clickies' then it should be a one stop shop.


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