>No they need to decommisioned, moved else where, they are doing work
>that the community is allready doing. Every package that is part of
>CCD has been ported and availible in either sunrfreeware.com or
>blastwave. The community is also doing a better job with a more
>packages and more up to date versions.  Is the CCD team adding
>anything to the community? If Sun wishes to keep producing extra
>packages they could commit the employees to work on the other open
>source communites mentioned above, I'm sure they will be welcomed.

The one thing the CCD does better than blastwave is having
packages for the current Solaris version (i.e., it doesn't
pull in a 100 odd packages which are already integrated in S10/SNV)

I haven't used sunfreeware much but I understand it makes packages
for every release, yet they're not always as well integrated.

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