On Mon 17 Apr 2006 at 02:24PM, Jim Grisanzio wrote:
> Michael Pogue wrote:
> >I have a suggestion:  in another current thread, "Build times for Open 
> >Solaris", there's discussion about build parallelism on a Niagara 
> >(T1000), and how we don't get much benefit in build time beyond 4 CPUs.
> >
> >I think that it would be a great Summer of Code project, to investigate 
> >what it would take to get full utilization (32 CPU's) on a T1000 
> >building Open Solaris.  And then, contribute the changes back to 
> >OpenSolaris, speeding up the build process for everybody (who has access 
> >to multi-cpu hardware).
> So, in this instance, you are suggesting an entirely new project, 
> correct? If so, a new project will have to be proposed and seconded. Is 
> this something you are proposing?
> In addition to suggestions for new projects, I'm especially interested 
> in hearing from our existing projects to see what they plan to offer.

I don't see why there has to be a 1:1 mapping between opensolaris
projects and SoC ideas.


Daniel Price - Solaris Kernel Engineering - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - blogs.sun.com/dp
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